The Underworld > The Underworld

The River Styx

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Kaya Mitsume:
An eternally flowing river, it carries the souls of the dead back into the cycle so that they might be born again.

Kaya Mitsume:
Shinji awakens beside flowing waters. It is unclear where they come from, but as his senses awaken and he focuses, the sound of it is unmistakeable. His eyes have something placed over them, obscuring his vision, and stopping them from opening.

These objects are round and flat, slightly heavy and cold overtop his eyes.

*shinji tried to move what ever was blocking his vision*

Kaya Mitsume:
He now holds two pewter medallions in his hands. His eyes can open, and they can see around him. His surroundings are very dark. Not bleak, per se, but definitely not cheerful or happy. There is an air of solemnity here.

*shinji looks around and sighs* this place kinda reminds me of my the qeustionis...where am I?...hello!?!?!?


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