Silver City > Silver City

just stop(Shinji/open)


He fell  to the ground hard, his vision was burrly. He could only feel pain but that was good, Right? It meant he was alive. Yea but was being alive good? He pushed himself to his knees, the blurriness clearing up abit." Silver city...." his voice escaped his dry lips. It surprised him  to actually hear his own voice, he notice how much it changed or did it? He couldn't remember. He chuckled alight

"Just another thing to add to the list.." he stood up and looked around. Sliver city? Didn't he hate this place? He visibly shruged as if some ask him the question. He was not in the best of states mentality wise, shinji walked his foot steps echoed in his mind. He lifted his and more pain shot though his body, for a beif second he welcomed the pain.

Where was he again? Platinum city? Gold city? Save me a donut City? No, none of those sounded right. But he could go for a donut, glazed. His favorite." Name... Shinji Hado,  Age..15" he reminded himself. Things were becoming hard to remember the basic, so the basic said out loud to remind himself. He took another step and fall, his body refused to listen the pain well it hurted. He chuckled again." Right because pain does not hurt.." he rolled himself over and stared at the night sky.


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