Author Topic: a day for shopping[open,snow]  (Read 1230 times)


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Re: a day for shopping[open,snow]
« on: October 17, 2012, 10:52:22 pm »
also because these people know who there leader what reason do we have to hurt them? "kenro leaned on a tree with his arms crossed" we have not changed anything for the worst so they will be happy
« Last Edit: October 17, 2012, 10:54:12 pm by kenro »
Name: Kenro Mizireal
Age: 27
Gender: male
Bio: Kenro has come here following the orders of his best friend and leader Yuji Uzumaki. although kenro's clan is known for there strength and power kenro uses his brains too, creating a multitude of things living and non living.
ability: when in contact with a mineral(jewels, rocks etc.) he can turn it into armor, weapons, and other things
Likes: science, funny stuff, women(he's kinda perverted)
Dislikes: jerks, sour stuff
Equipment: assortment of tablets, Pocket Lab,

Stats: total ?
strength- ?
speed- ?
intelligence- ?
energy to use ability- ?
stamina- ?
martial arts skills- ?
equipment skills- ?