Author Topic: Simple Things, Like Suffering [8/17, closed]  (Read 648 times)

Kaya Mitsume

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Re: Simple Things, Like Suffering [8/17, closed]
« on: August 21, 2012, 09:32:59 pm »
He can feel the misery ricocheting through the little goddess, as she buries her face in his chest. "Ele ainda não acredita que você e eu não fiz nada, mas beijar e lutar ao redor. Ele me acusou de brincar com ele. Duas vezes. Eu disse a ele para não dizer que uma terceira vez." She said, barely audible, though his ears can catch it.

"Ele ainda não acredita em mim. Ele só deixou o assunto, porque estávamos andando em círculos. Eu machuquei. Ele não confia em mim." It was a distinct ache that had sat in the vicinity of her heart for the past day and half. Her throat was tight, her stomach knotted and tense. Nearly every muscle in her body had tightened painfully, as well. The little goddess is a wreck, inwardly.
Name: Kaya Mitsume 'Lorelei'
Age: 17 at start, now 26, doesn't appear older than 23
Gender: Female