Author Topic: Quiet wanderings [afternoon, closed]  (Read 241 times)


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Re: Quiet wanderings [afternoon, closed]
« Reply #15 on: October 25, 2012, 12:01:28 pm »
yamato started to walk away, not really caring about miyoko and her problems, he turned backed and looked at miyoko and sighed."You look like someone just killed your puppy and eat it in front of you.... look at all of his memorys make sure you understand everything before you just to conclusion." yamato ran his hair thought his hair, he was disgusted with himself, he helped someone that he could live with but the one thing that eat at him was the fact he did it for free, he once again walked away.
Name:yamato hado
Age: 16
Bio: Yamato is shinji twin brother, but they wish to kill each other Yamato goal is to crush every bit of happiness that his brother have ever achive, Yamato is a genuis like shinji but llackthe humanity that shinji has, yamato veiw everyone as a pawn and to be used and discarded once there usefullness is done, Yamato is shows no compassion, veiw love as a weakness, and friendship as a weak point.
ability: magic, chaos energy, elemental magic
Likes: destorying shinji happiness, causing others pain.
Dislikes: everything else
Classes:(total of 5)
Clubs/activities: magic, transformation, thief,
Class Rep:
Year: year 1
Equipment: swords, gauntlets

Stats: total 1st year-200 2nd
strength- 60
energy to use ability-40
martial arts skills-20
equipment skills-20