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Karumi and Arashi Tamaski


Karumi And Arashi:
Name: Karumi
Age: 8
Bio: Karumi is the child of Anihe and Jizero. She ages quickly due to Yuji. She is very excitable and energetic.
Likes: New people, spicy foods and bright things
Dislikes: Sweet things

Name: Arashi
Age: 8
Bio: Arashi also is the the child of Anihe and Jizero. He is Karumi's twin brother and he ages quickly as well. He is shy and doesn't often speak he just nods and shakes his head.
Likes: Candy (Lollipops preferably ), sweet foods,dull things and quiet places
Dislikes: Loud things, Meeting new people and spicy foods


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