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Messages - Jester

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Sign up / Re: Pitching Zael
« on: February 08, 2013, 12:41:28 am »
i feel like a CEO reading this. i do not mind zael being created, now understand though that does not me he is approved. we would have to look over the actual made character and then it would have to be approved by 2 admins. i suggest creating him with your magnus account and adding him to that instead of making a whole nother registry and what not. just a suggestion

"jester jumped to the side as the jagged rocks shot up from the ground, one rock rips through jesters sleeve and cuts his skin. jester puts his hat on and pulls playing cards out of his jacket. the wolf steps too close to a box on the ground, the box erupts open and a clown head with sharpteeth bites down on the wolf's front leg, not letting go. jester appears in front of the wolf holding a  five of clubs. the card glowed and a knight with a club appears from it and hits the wolf with a five hit combo with a club weapon, sending him crashing into the wall"

"jester jumped back and into the air landing on a passing desk. he sat with his arms and legs crossed as the desk flew through the room. he winked and tipped his hat to the wolf" you are lots of fun....kinda like someone else i know "he looked at miyako with a wry smile out the corner of his eye. he jumped down from the desk and pulled his hat off" lets see what kind of toys we have "jester shook his hat upside down and a bunch of jack in a boxes fell out" oooo these should be fun "jester kicked the group of boxes and they scattered all around the floor and air"

" Jester blocked the arrows but skidded back from the force" those carried a little umph behind them.... "jester closes his fist and put it to his mouth, like he was holding a horn. He took a deep breath and blew, from the other end of his hand flew birds made of ice that woiuld cut and freeze on contact"

"As the wall came toward him, jester walkd toward. Walking up invisible stairs and bypassing the wall. Jester jumped down and and twirled his left finger in the palm of his right hand. A small tornado forms in his palm. Jester sits the tornado in the center of the room and it begins to pick up wind, causing desk and chairs to fly around the class. he smirked and his hand blazed with black fire. He tossed it at shinji,"

"Jester raised a hand and the lightning struck an invisible wall" are we having a magicians duel? "Jester smiled and flicked his wrist. Black lightning crackled around jester and went flying at shinji. Jester notices miyako out the corner of his eye and smirks at her"

Nah "jester fixed his hat and coat" it was just your potential that caught me, nothing else, its not like I need an apprentice or anything "jester snickered and put his hands behind his back" so shall we begin this?

What do I want...... "jester tapped his chin in thought" not sure, you don't have anything I want at the moment

"Jester watched him with a wry smile" the last time I played cards I was conned by a pair of about a fight then "jester stood and dusted his pants" you have made your demands.. but what do I get if I win ?

kinda sorta maybe....why?

still does not change the fact that i am technically not on your side. "jester smirked back and tilted his ha over his eyes again" the darkness its pouring, the black kings no longer snoring. it once was said we'll soon be dead. and never get to see morning "he sung again, swinging his feet to the tune"

(if your wondering the tune. its to its raining its pouring. and the other one is rain rain go away)

Approved Characters / Re: Magnus Modelle
« on: February 06, 2013, 06:10:40 pm »
as long as what you said is followed i have nothing to say

logical thought....but no i am not. do not get me wrong, i am not technically on YOUR side either

shinji....i KNOW you're a smart boy. i know you'v realized a few....changes around this island "jester chuckled and put his feet back on the desk"

well i just loooove how the sun bounces of your hair "jester said sarcastically before laughing and calming down" well my boy that is for me to know.....doubt you could find out "jester sat down and crossed his legs" but.....i am not here to quarrel, i was just enjoying my time here on the island, while its still here. ya know....visit some in particular "jester mumbled the last part and smiled to himself"

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