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Topics - Jasper

Pages: [1]
Market Ruins / something yummy in my tummy [jasper,open, market streets]
« on: February 06, 2013, 12:13:46 am »
"jasper walks through the market with his usual smile on. everything seems normal except for the market being slightly less busy. but none the less people are still smiling and cheerful. jasper is stopped by the savory smell of cooking meat at a butcher stand. jasper walks over the stand and looks the food over, trying to hold back the saliva overflowing in his mouth."

Market Ruins / fun dont fail me now [jasper, open]
« on: January 15, 2013, 12:27:43 am »
"jasper walked across the roofs of the shops within the market. his eyes darted around looking at the wonderful things on sale. one exceptional thing caught jaspers eye. a man wearing a very colorful out fit juggling. jasper watched with great intent, almost as if in a trance. his body crouched down and his hands grabbed the edge of the roof he was on. his tail sprouted from behind him and flicked through the air.the juggler below continued to juggle unbeknownst to him he was being stalked by jasper. in the jugglers hands were ten very shiny silver balls being juggled. jaspers eyes followed the silver balls as they went up and went down and went up again and went down again, jasper could n't take it anymore he pounced on the juggler knocking him over and ending his act. the crowd stood dazed and shocked but jasper seemed content as he held all of the silver balls in his arms"

Korronitian Jungle / [oh so shiny O.O, jasper, open]
« on: January 11, 2013, 11:32:39 pm »
"jasper walked through the thick jungles happily. his progress was short due to the vines and thick bushes, and the humid air was moist and hot but none of this bothered jasper. he just walked and hummed to himself"

O'raion Beach / A day of training [jasper and yume, open, beach shore]
« on: January 07, 2013, 10:27:16 pm »
"jasper landed on the beach in his dragon form. his emerald eyes scanned the area" this should be a good spot to train. " jasper yawned and sat on his hind legs"

O'raion Mountains / hollowed mountain
« on: January 06, 2013, 07:47:23 pm »
"jasper entered  the mountain threw a large opening in its peak. the inside of the mountain was vast and hollwed out. jasper had made this hollowed mountain a while ago and used it to live in when he first came here. jasper landed on the  ground and took a knee, cradling yume in is arms" i'll teach you everything...i'll teach you how to control "jasper caressed her face, watching her breathing to make sure nothing bad happened"

" the green dragon landed in a clearing in the forest and placed yume on the ground. the dragon turned back into his human form and looked around the clearing" now lets see "jasper walked in circles around the clearing" this area should be good " jaspers wings appeared and he launched himself into the sky and roared at the ground sending a concussive blast at it creating a small crater." that should do it. wait right here please "he smiled to yume and flew into the forest"

"returning half an hour later carrying a container the size of a boulder. jasper landed on the ground and began dumping the contents of the container into the crater. the liquid was dark brown and smelled of strong herbs" now i'll need you to strip and get in please "jasper turned his back to her so she could have her privacy as she stripped"

O'raion Mountains / fair warnings [jasper, open, mountain crater]
« on: December 15, 2012, 12:01:53 am »
"the day was clear and cold. the sun was just peaking noon when a loud boom could be heard from the mountainside. a large crater freshly made sat there. and in it was a boy. his clothes tattered and bloody. his body bruised and scarred. mountain debris and dirt clung to his wet green hair. slowly his right hand reaches out and grabs the ground. he tries to pull himself upright but fails. in his right arm he holds a large blue jewel." "he rambles on as eh tries once again to stand. and once again he fails"

Korronitian Jungle / stretching my legs...and my belly [jasper, open,11/16]
« on: November 16, 2012, 07:57:48 am »
"before landing in the dense forest the green dragon turned back into his human form and landed on a tree branch" haven't been here to eat yet "jasper spotted a small pond and jumped in. minutes flew by before the water broke and jasper landed on the ground carrying a fish 4x his size" I LOVE THIS PLACE!!

Frozen Tundra / go....AWAY!! [jasper, blizzard, open]
« on: October 26, 2012, 03:46:04 pm »
"jasper landed hard in the thick snow. why come here he doesn't know. he just flew until he couldn't fly anymore, his breathing was heavy and ragged" WHY DON'T YOU JUST STAY SILENT!! "he screamed into the ongoing blizzard. but form his face you could tell that something was speaking back" what do you mean? "jasper growled and bared his fangs" I'LL KILL US BEFORE THAT HAPPENS!! THESE ARE MY FRIENDS. MY FAMILY!!......DO YOU THINK I'D LET YOU HURT THEM!! " a green gas began to rise from jaspers body." you will STAY locked away. these nightmares may haunt me. but they cannot hurt me or my friends "jaspers turned his head, apparently listening to something. his eyes opened wide in surprise" h-how? YOU'RE LYING!! " the green gas erupted into a violent tornado around jasper. only thing that can be made out is his silhouette and glowing green eyes" LIIIIIIIIAAAAARRRRRR!! "the ground shakes with his words. cracking the ice itself"

"jasper stood upon a mountain peak, smiling form cheek to cheek as he watched the winds pick up" my whole spine is tingling....this is going to be great "the wind wasnt even at its strongest yet and its strength was still unthinkable. he kept his wings folded in as to not be torn from the mountain against his will"

"jasper ran through the forest enjoying his time. the sun had just set and the moon was taking its place. drenched in silver moonlight the forest reminded jasper of a planet he went to long ago. always covered in night, the only light came from the always full moon. jasper jumped into a tree. jumping from branch to branch, his tail helping him keep acrobatic balance. he continued to think of that planet. its beauty, its people. everything was of the highest quality. his thoughts quickly turned from a wonderful memory to a dreaded nightmare. the forest was now on fire and raging through it was the ferocious green dragon that jasper used to be. the people fought as best they could but to no avail. jasper missed the next branch and fell to the ground. all around him was death and destruction. jasper quickly wrapped his arms around his legs and wrapped his tail around his body" go away..go away..go away..go away " jasper repeated over and over, placing his hands over his ears and closing his eyes."

Looking for a good read / how could this happen [jasper, 9/19, sunset]
« on: September 18, 2012, 11:13:54 pm »
"jasper landed on a large solitude rock far in the ocean, his mind was doing flips. trying to understand what had happened in nensho." what has happened to you brother? " sadness flooded jaspers emotions, but the thought of demix killing innocent people. brought a heat wave of anger, drying up all despair in jaspers mind. but even as angry as he was he couldn't help but see a resemblence between this new demix....and the old jasper"

"jasper sits on solitary rock in the middle of the ocean, legs crossed and arms folded facing the risen sun. no clouds were in the sky and no cares were in jaspers mind, he sits on the rock enjoying the sunshine with a large smile on his face, humming a pleasant tune. his dragon tail appears and dips into the water, moving left and right to the rhythm of his humming" sure is a beautiful day

" a tropical storm raged over the ocean near oraion. lightning **** and thunder boomed, but none of this phased the green dragon. he flew as if the storm itself was under his control. as if the roar of the ocean and crushing booms of the thunder were as melodious as a symphony. with one swing of his might jade wings the dragon was above the clouds and into the calm. looking at the full moon as the stars danced around it and the storm raged below it"

Approved Characters / Jasper Valtone
« on: July 12, 2012, 06:34:52 pm »
Name: Jasper Valtone
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Human Form

Dragon Form

Bio: Jasper is a dragon who has yet to find a partner to sync with. he loves to learn and has never seen another of his kind since thanatos
ability: turn into dragon, various gases can be produced from his body, earth abilities
Likes: fruits and meat(together), reptiles, learning, people
Dislikes: people who refuse to learn, vegetables, bugs
Classes: none
Clubs/activities: none
Class Rep: ?
Year: 2

Stats: 400
strength- 70
speed- 70
intelligence- 75
energy to use ability- 50
stamina- 75
martial arts skills- 60
equipment skills- 0

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