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Topics - Mitsuko

Pages: [1]
O'raion Mountains / A Wary wandering through the fog [open, afternoon]
« on: February 10, 2013, 02:02:05 pm »
Misuko wandered through the mountains, the little white dragon trotting up the path.  She had been cooped up in her cave for a while, but it had come to the point that she needed to stretch her legs.  She had been wary to travel outside.  The thick fog weighed heavy on her mind, and made her completely uncomfortable.  Cautiously she walked through the trees her eyes darting around her.

Market Ruins / Shop exploration [open, afternoon]
« on: January 25, 2013, 07:35:57 pm »
Mitsuko skipped into the market.  Golden eyes sparkling as she looked around at all the shops in the district.  Idly exploring she hummed lightly, kicking at a rock on the ground.

O'raion Academy / Exploring [open, afternoon, courtyard]
« on: January 19, 2013, 11:15:21 pm »
Mitsuko skipped into the courtyard smiling brightly.  She hummed lightly as she explored her surroundings.  Wanting to get a better feel for the Island she had ventured out on her own during the middle of the day.  She stopped at the fountain and jumped on the ledge and walked around it.

O'raion Forest / Hidden Cave behind the waterfall
« on: January 17, 2013, 12:53:37 am »
Mitsuko landed on the other side of the waterfall.  "Its right behind here."  She walked along the small rocky path that took them behind the waterfall.  As they entered through the cave it opened up to a large cavern, totally large enough for two full grown dragons.  Yet it was cozy as well.  There was already a large pile of leaves and soft material she had found.  There were a few rocks set up as a table and there was a small pile of fish, in a spot that acted as a natural refrigerator.  Mitsuko smiled and let a few orbs of light dance around.  "What do you think?"

O'raion Forest / Aimless wandering of a happy spirit [open, afternoon]
« on: January 16, 2013, 02:09:50 pm »
Mitsuko wandered through the forest.  Ki had wandered off somewhere she didn't want to follow.  She was thinking about things.  At some point she would need to sync with someone.  The future always felt cloudy, until she did.  However the prospect worried her.  Her future would be determined by a touch.  What if who she synced with didn't mean too, what if they didn't like her.  She sighed and sat down under a tree watching the clouds.

Approved Characters / Mitsuko
« on: January 11, 2013, 06:15:53 pm »
Name: Mitsuko
Age: 15
Gender: Female

Bio: A young hatchling from Thantos, Mitsuko followed her kind here.  She knows there were other dragons that ended up here, and she hoped to be near others like her.  She does not have a master yet.
ability: Transformation into her dragon form, and light abilities, healing

Likes: meat, flying, sunlight
Dislikes: the dark, being totally alone, large crowds
Classes:(total of 5)
Clubs/activities: if have any
Class Rep:
Year: 2

Stats: 400
strength- 70
speed- 70
intelligence- 70
energy to use ability- 70
stamina- 70
martial arts skills- 50

Pages: [1]