Author Topic: Xero's sub space tree house  (Read 2227 times)


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Re: Xero's sub space tree house
« Reply #105 on: January 15, 2013, 07:20:09 pm »
Xero found it hard to move his body, it take almost all his enegry just to breath. He was under yamato spell.
Name:yamato hado
Age: 16
Bio: Yamato is shinji twin brother, but they wish to kill each other Yamato goal is to crush every bit of happiness that his brother have ever achive, Yamato is a genuis like shinji but llackthe humanity that shinji has, yamato veiw everyone as a pawn and to be used and discarded once there usefullness is done, Yamato is shows no compassion, veiw love as a weakness, and friendship as a weak point.
ability: magic, chaos energy, elemental magic
Likes: destorying shinji happiness, causing others pain.
Dislikes: everything else
Classes:(total of 5)
Clubs/activities: magic, transformation, thief,
Class Rep:
Year: year 1
Equipment: swords, gauntlets

Stats: total 1st year-200 2nd
strength- 60
energy to use ability-40
martial arts skills-20
equipment skills-20