Author Topic: Aaron's and Ceca's Mansion  (Read 490 times)


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Re: Aaron's and Ceca's Mansion
« on: July 19, 2012, 01:07:05 pm »
Charles she must not no I've flung into a wall before it doesn't hert anymore ok les end this bs charles
Charles turns into a human let's do this
Cecamoria runs infront of fiona and punchs her 50 times in the front to fast for her to move of talk
charles punches her in the baq 50 to fast for her to do anything bringing her to her neesthen neeing her 5 times in the face

Ceca:ha that was fun aye I wonder were MY sexy boyfriend is at yea myine not fionas
Charles:I don't know I just no iv ben waitin for this monet
Ceca:ok turn baq in to a sword
Charles:ok  :-[
Name:Cecamoria Tamaski
Age: 17 (younger by 8 months)
Bio: cecamoria is the young sister of anihe tamaski, there family is one of the best black smith families in the world, when she was 10 fer best friend who was a vampire was almost killed so in order to save him she turned him into a sword, charles is a loud mouth who is jealous and envious of anyone who tries to get with cecamoria. he ABSOLUTELY HATES HER SISTER ANIHE!! she is skilled in martial arts and swordship

ability:elements and since charles is a vampiric sword it feeds off Cecamoria blood and the blood of her enemies, the sword can produce a poisonous aura
Likes: CHEESE , Bubbles ,Vampires , Blood my sword and me and SWEETS
Dislikes:People who dislike cheese and i hate haters and copycaters
Classes:(total of 5)elemental studies
melee weaponry
tech class
Clubs/activities: Guild of awesome
Class Rep: yami engimono
Year: 1

Stats: total 1st year-200
energy to use ability-25
martial arts skills-35
equipment skills-30