Author Topic: Isse Jinzo  (Read 574 times)


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Re: Isse Jinzo
« on: January 27, 2013, 09:07:41 pm »
i do not control yukimora and not once have i created a character and abused my power of it. i have been fair with everything ive done on this site and the only times the characters have not followed the rules set on this site that i have made is because of a special reason that they will be used for, i appreciate you doing your admin thing but i kn ow what im doing and have not had any complaints about my way so far. i made this character, i approved him thats all if you dont like it you can leave
Name: yami engimono
Age: 14
Bio: Yami is the class rep for the 1st years, he is usually seen walking the halls. he is a loud mouth kid who loves to talk. people find it weird that he doesn't get angry much, he simply refuses to let things phase him that way
After leaving Oraion with his brother. yami has become one of the worlds top thieves, yami travels the world stealing valuable items that he likes. although yami was born a spirit he does not claim it

ability: absolute control over shadows other than his brothers and fathers shadow. adept to dark based abilities. likes to keep his shadow on his body

Likes: any sugary sweets preferably sour candy or suckers, girls(kind of a pervert), nachos

Dislikes: vegetables, boring people

Classes: unknown
Clubs/activities: 1st year rep
Class Rep: himself
Year: 1

Stats: total 620(spirit form +100)
speed- 180
energy to use ability-100(200)
martial arts skills-60
equipment skills-00
spirit mode(not a demon)